Vimago™ HDVI CT Scanner

  • AHC is the only veterinary facility within 90 miles of Springfield, Missouri to have high definition, 3D, CT imaging capability.
  • Routinely used at AHC Dentistry appointments for a more comprehensive dental exam.
  • Gives immeasurably more detailed images than digital x-ray. 
  • The images can be manipulated on hundreds of planes of view and in nearly unlimited ways.
  • Vast array of applications for:
    • Dentistry
    • Skulls - sinus, nasal, bulla, ears, brain, oncology, trauma
    • Foreign Bodies - anywhere
    • Thorax - lungs, heart, coughing patients, met checks
    • Abdomen - liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenals, GI, shunts, oncology
    • Orthopedics - stifles, elbows, hips, carpus/tarsus, angular limb deformities, OCD, cartilage lesions, fractures
    • Spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar